Vault door Grade VIII EX CD

The door can be cast or delivered to a prefabricated vault where for example: weapons, explosives, medicines, jewelry, watches and other valuable are stored.

Burglary protection certified by SBSC and ECB•S according to the European standard EN 1143-1.
Fire protection according to El90.
CD (core diamond drill) protection according to the European standard EN 1143-1.
EX (explosives) protection according to the European standard EN 1143-1.

Standard equipped with two changeable key locks. Electronic combination lock on special order.
The door is prepared for a grille gate as standard.
A Grade VIII EX CD free standing emergency door is available.

Electrical and alarm system
Provided as standard with alarm cabling between the door and its frame through one of the hinges and two magnetic switches to indicate open and close position.
A door stop holder is supplied with the door as standard.

The vault door is primed finish as standard.

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